Water Treatment Technology

Commercial water purifier

Commercial water purifier


Commercial and Indutrial



We design and deliver commercial water purifier to suit your need and fit for purpose

For inquiry contact us

We are the trusted brand that can serve water 99.9% pure and provide you 5 years warranty for our products


Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we need tap water?

Australian water is unique. Organic chemical (low molecular weight and low aromaticity) present in water is very difficult to remove. Our most of the treatment plant removes 20-40% only.  More, added chlorine to suppress microbial growth can harm by producing nasty cancer causing chemicals called THM and free chlorine in water can harm our body in a variety way. So only water purifier at home before water use can save us.

What are harmful chemicals in our tap water?

There are many harmful chemicals in water. Natural organic matter is a major problem. Recently many toxic chemicals such as PFAS, pesticides, steroids are frequently detected in tap water.

Chlorine added in water to make safe from pathogen is cancer causing chemical and it can harm body in various ways.

Why chlorine in tap water is harmful?

Chlorine is added in tap water to kill and suppress microbes. However, chlorine present in water combines with  organic chemical and produce cancer causing chemical called THM.

Residual chlorine (left over) in tap water when enter to body, it damages multiple organs in a multiple way (for example obstructs kids brain growth, cause colon cancer, cause digestion problems ..)

How can we make our tap water safe?

Only a reliable and environmental friendly option is to install water purifier at home that can give you safe and healthy water.

What type of water purifier is good to me?

Not all market water purifier are good and reliable.

You need water purifier that essentially addresses Australian tap water quality issues is important. More, you need to have filter performance indicator that can tell you when to replace the filter cartridge.

Do not rely on yearly filter change practice. Your tap water quality, volume of water you consume, and your local area pipe network system defines  filter cartridge life span.

Why Incredibly Pure Water Purifier?

We designed and developed water purifier to address Australian tap water problem and market demand. Our advanced and intelligent water purifier can tell you when to replace water filter cartridge. Our bench top model can provide you water volume you need and water temperature you need .


If you have any questions about our products or feedback about incredibly pure home water Purifier, please contact us on below. Thank you.

Melbourne Office

1/3 Post Office PI, Glenroy, VIC 3046

Phone: (03)70018499


Adelaide Office

26 Emily Street, Woodville West SA 5011

Phone: 08 83474748