incredibly pure
Why choose a home water purifier ?
Drinking safe water is important
Australian water quality is unique and water treatment plant remove only partial amount of organic chemicals present in water
Our tap water contains up to 5000 microgram (µg)/L chlorine and cancer-causing chemicals like PFAS, PFOS and tri-halo methane (THM) up to 250 µg/L. THM limit is up to 3 times more than many Western countries. The high concentration of chlorine and THM can pose a health risk in the short and long term. Some key issues are:
- May reduce kids’ mental and physical growth
- Can kill good bacteria in the stomach and cause chronic digestion problems
- Can Cause gallbladder and colon cancer
- Can harm pregnancy and impact the growth of an unborn child
When water treatment technology fails to address water quality issue effectively
Water treatment processes adopted by Water utilities only partially remove chemicals and pathogens leading to the addition of high doses of disinfecting chemicals like chlorine or chloramine, which can be hazardous to our health. Some of these chlorine byproducts, such as trihalomethane (THM) and residual chlorine are toxic and possibly carcinogenic. The presence of free chlorine in water is corrosive and can damage our soft organs and tissues, making it dangerous to consume tap water with a high dose of chlorine.
Water treatment takes time
It usually takes a week to number of weeks to come water from treatment system to our tap. During the period nitrification may occur in the pipe system and produces nitrite and nitrate. Such compounds are toxic and specially to baby and pregnant woman should avoid such water.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do we need water Purifier?
Australian water is unique. Removing harmful organic chemicals, which are typically low in molecular weight and low aromaticity presents a challenge in the water treatment system. Most of the treatment plant are only able to removes 20-40% of these substances. Moreover, the addition of chlorine to inhibit microbial growth can actually be harmful, as it can lead the formation of cancer-causing compounds known as THM.
Therefore, the best way to ensure the safety of your water is by using a home water purifier before use. Incredibly Pure provides an advanced water purifier at an affordable price.
What are harmful chemicals in our tap water?
- Organic matter
- Chlorine
- Trihalomethane (THM)
- Metals like lead, zinc copper, arsenic
- Nitrate
- Pesticides
- Pharmaceutical chemicals
- Cryptosporidium
- Virus
Why chlorine in tap water is harmful?
Chlorine is added in tap water to kill and suppress microbes. However, chlorine present in water combines with organic chemical and produce cancer causing chemical called THM.
Residual chlorine (left over) in tap water when enter to body, it damages multiple organs in a multiple way (for example obstructs kids brain growth, cause colon cancer, cause digestion problems ..)
How can we make our tap water safe?
Only a reliable and environmental friendly option is to install water purifier at home that can give you safe and healthy water.
Why Incredibly Pure Water Purifier?
Not all water purifiers on the market are reliable and effective. To ensure the safety of your water, You need a water purifier that essentially addresses the issues commonly found in Australian tap water.
Our multi-stage water filtration system have been specifically designed and developed to effectively address the Australian tap water issues as well as meet the demand of the market. Our advanced and intelligent water purifier are equipped with intelligent technology that can accurately determine when the water filters to be replaced. Our sleek and stylish bench-top model provides precise water volume and temperature control to meet your needs.

If you have any questions about our products or feedback about incredibly pure home water Purifier, please contact us on below. Thank you.
Melbourne Office
1/3 Post Office PI, Glenroy, VIC 3046
Phone: (03)70018499
Adelaide Office
26 Emily Street, Woodville West SA 5011
Phone: 08 83474748